Created to Help Collectors Assess Where They Are Across Ten Important Criteria

Our proprietary Collectibles Scorecard looks at where you are and where you ideally want to be in essential mindsets surrounding acquiring, preserving, cataloging, insuring, valuating and ultimately transferring your collectibles. Completing it will provide you with valuable insights that will help you protect yourself, your collection and your family, expose pain points to be worked on, and set into motion action steps you can work on with your trusted advisors to add to your peace of mind.

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Step 1 of 12

We seek to deliver unique value. Recognizing that no two collectors are alike, our proprietary Scorecard will help you evaluate and “score” where you are with your collection across ten criteria, from acquisition to possible disposition. It will help you bring into focus your current situation, challenges, and opportunities, and gauge where you ideally want to be.

Your submitted Scorecard will be reviewed by a Destiny Family Office team member who is passionate about collectibles and who will then follow up with you to gain deeper insight into your purpose, goals and aspirations. Together with you, the appropriateness of next steps can be considered.

Your investment of 10-minutes to complete the Scorecard will provide you with insights into your collection and situation that may well be profound, and help you better understand how to protect your collectibles, yourself, and those you care about. It will also help you understand the importance of being current on your valuation, documentation, security, storage, and so forth, and of including your valuable collection in all of your planning.

Please evaluate yourself candidly, entering the number most closely aligned with your current thinking, situation and objectives.

Full Name*